The reading week, declared great national cause by the National Education for the 2021/22 school year, has been celebrated from March 28. to April 1er at LFIA.
These few days have been paced by several activities encouraging interaction between students from different classes and their creativity. Among the proposed activities:
- Speed-booking between CM2 and 6. grade students at the BCD and CDI
- Staged readings of the students from the theater option offered to the kindergarten pupils
- Offered readings of the 7. grade students to the CP and CE2 students to the PS pupils
- Speech therapist, Mrs C. Cottet, interventions from CE2 to 6. grade students on dyslexia
- Exhibition of photos taken by the 8. grade students and contest
- “Tell me about your book” project at the BCD with the CP/CE2 pupils
- Display of The knowledge Tree: books exchange
- Literary books selection of the LFIA staff displayed at the CDI
- The reading flashmob at the LFIA, filmed and live on Instagram!
- The Reading night gathering the CE1, CE2, 11. grade and students from the theater option on stage through several stories.