Like every month, the LFIA parents met on Monday, December 5th. This important meeting allows parents to meet and discuss the life of the school but also to bring their suggestions in order to continue to improve the school environment of our children.

Thanks to your involvement, especially for the anti-bullying week, some of the primary students participated in a video project to raise awareness about harassment at school. The parents also set up a free expression wall, entitled “Vivons Ensemble” (Let’s live together), where everyone could post their message of hope.

Finally, the team of high school students volunteers, Akwaaba, was created to provide additional support to the existing pedagogical team in the face of possible conflicts between students. Their first mission is planned for the beginning of the school year in January.

Other beautiful projects await for us in 2023 so we count on your support and implication to continue this initiative in the best interest of all, until then, we wish you a great holiday season!


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