In May we celebrated Le Mai des Langues, a special month that celebrates languages. Our English and SIB (British International Section) teachers and their students did projects and activities mixing languages practice, creativity and cultural fulfillment. Here is the first part of their amazing work!
– The CM1 recited poems and did posters for an exhibition revisiting the different themes they work on throughout the year. The CM2 also did colourful posters and recited Martin Luther King’s quotes.
– The CE1 from the PARLE group explored the anti-bullying theme through the Billy the bully story, poems recital and singing.
– The CE1 and CE2 B of the SIB section played their emotions through Tongue Twisters to experience poetry as being pleasurable and meaningful.
To access the Tongue Twisters video:
– The CM1 created Haïkus poems coming from the Japanese’s tradition based on the 4 seasons theme.