On Monday 27th November, 2023 at 5pm, management of LFIA with the support of the Board chairman and his vice, updated staff on the expectations of the AEFE based on the visits of the IEN, the representatives of the African area and the AEFE management workshop. During this session, the topics touched on included: WELL BEING, TRAINING, EXCELLENCE, DEVELOPMENT, SECURITY, and QUALITY ASSURANCE. Management also emphasized on the priorities for high-quality, sustainable development in a French School Abroad.
Intervention de Léna Lechat, élève-avocate spécialisée en Droit Européen des Droits de l’Homme et Droit des réfugiés
En cours de géographie, les élèves de la 4ème A et B ont pu aborder avec Léna Lechat, élève-avocate, en