DAYS “Étudier en France” (Studying in France) on AGORA Monde 10-12th NOVEMBER

AGORA Monde organizes the “Studying in France” days: three days entirely dedicated to post-bac orientation and student life in France.
During this event, high school students will get answers to all their questions and advice through 100% online exchanges on the AGORA forum. Alumni from French high schools around the world and Excellence-Major scholarship recipients still studying in France will be connected on this occasion!
High school students, parents and alumni: we invite you to come and discuss the different options for studying in France, administrative procedures, student life, etc.
See you on Thursday, November 10, Friday, November 11 and Saturday, November 12, connect at any time on the AGORA forum to discuss with the mobilized students!

See you soon on AGORA!


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