Model United Nations (MUN) at LFIA

This week, 11 10th grade students began their MUN training. The “Model United Nations” (MUN) simulation exercise enables students who wish to do so to debate a variety of subjects by taking on the role of ambassadors. From humanitarian crises and diplomatic tensions to global warming and artificial intelligence, students are invited to debate current issues.
Under the guidance of their history and geography teacher, Mr Adoboe, our students learn about the workings of international bodies and develop their oratory skills.

Their aim is to solve real-world problems by fully immersing themselves in the positions of the State or Organisation they have to represent, sometimes in total opposition to their personal ideas.
The session on Friday 10/11/2023 was devoted to presentations by assigned countries and organisations, as well as the methodology for drafting a country policy paper (CPP) or Position Paper.


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